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- Family Court Tool Kit: Trauma and Child Development
Family Court Tool Kit: Trauma and Child Development
What is this tool kit?
This tool kit contains compelling information, rooted in science, which aids in determining children's needs based on developmental milestones and the impact of trauma.
An overview of the tool kit and reasons why judges need to understand the content in it. Presented by: Lynn Tepper, retired circuit judge.
Why use it?
The information and practices in this tool kit will improve judicial decision making and improve outcomes for children. The practices are in keeping with guiding principles from In re: Report of the Family Court Steering Committee, 794 So. 2d 518 (Fla. 2001). Federal regulations, state statutes, Florida Supreme Court opinions, and a judicial canon support these practices and authorize trauma screening and treatment (citations
Writing for a trauma blog, Tifanie Petro contemplates why it is she has a passion for using trauma-informed care. She writes: "And then I knew that it was about that moment when you had truly engaged with someone, and you could see their soul and their heart and their pain ...and you watch as the light bulb flickers on. That moment when you hear that sigh of relief and they say "ohhhhhh". Sometimes it's about themselves, and why they keep repeating the same patterns over and over, and it's like for the first time someone let them know that they weren't broken or un-fixable. And sometimes it's about someone they love, and their understanding of the years of hurt or confusion that now suddenly make sense. So my "why" was this pure honor of being part of someone's "a-ha" moment. Being able to connect with them on a level that lets them know that they don't have to be perfect … It has to do with having conversations that can change lives, and just appreciating the moments I get to see when the light flickers..on. What's your why?"
Who should use it?
Judges, magistrates, and hearing officers who preside over family court cases, as well as court partners, including but not limited to mediators, attorneys, parenting coordinators, case managers, juvenile probation officers, and clerks who handle family court cases. This includes most family court case types as specified by rule. In addition, judges hearing criminal cases and those in problem-solving courts (such as drug courts, mental health courts, early childhood courts and veterans courts) will also benefit from studying this tool kit.
When should it be used?
Cutting edge research in the area of brain development, attachment, and child trauma demands it.
How should it be used?
The tool kit is organized in the following way: it begins with a summary of the problem, offers a proposed solution, states the goal, and provides practical tools.
Read it, digest it, practice it, and present it for discussion at a multidisciplinary brown bag luncheon, family court workshop, or learning circle.
Family Court Tool Kit: Trauma and Child Development